Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Varsity Blues"

When the team has been grouped together in the locker for prayer, I can hear the crowd outside
cheering and jeering. That sensation brings excitement to me knowing that I'm a pioneer. The pride of wearing that orange and black brings the adrenaline on in me. Sadly it does not last forever.

When the season's over, the chill in the air rises on the back of my neck. I feel satisfied about the season, yet I want more out of it. From then on until August 1st I have to wait until that "sensation" comes back. I yearn it. Between the season before and the season to come, I work up to making that feeling come back and get me pumped up for everything ahead to come.


  1. Reminds me of some of the Friday nights we share s team mates

  2. Thats really interesting Luke.
    Hi :o
